Agentes de Cambio“  (“Agents of Change”) Special Documentary for MTV 
MTV Networks Latin America Inc. in conjunction with Inter-American Development Bank 
2014 l Nicaragua
MTV Networks Latin America Inc., in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank, embarked on an inspiring journey to highlight individuals making a profound impact on their communities. This special segment shines a spotlight on Maria José, the creator behind "MÜN: Sculptures and Artistic Furniture made from Recycled Material," as the featured subject of MTV's "Agents of Change" Latin America segment.
Maria José emerged as a beacon of change and hope in Latin America, driven by the mission of "MÜN." This compelling segment delves into the life and work of Maria José, showcasing her remarkable journey towards becoming a true "Agent of Change."
At the heart of Maria José's mission is the concept of ecodesign, an innovative approach that combines creativity with environmental consciousness. Maria José has passionately embraced ecodesign principles within the framework of "MÜN," transforming recycled materials into stunning sculptures and artistic furniture that not only captivate the senses but also champion sustainability.
Viewers will witness how Maria José transformed her personal experiences, challenges, and aspirations into a catalyst for positive change through "MÜN." The segment explores the pivotal moments and experiences that ignited Maria José's passion for creating a better world while minimizing environmental impact.
The segment unveils the tangible impact Maria José has had on her community through "MÜN." From repurposing discarded materials to crafting pieces of art that adorn public spaces, Maria José has tirelessly worked to uplift those around her while promoting ecological responsibility.
MTV's "Agents of Change" Latin America: Spotlight on Maria José and "MÜN" is an inspiring testament to the power of individuals to create meaningful change through ecodesign. Maria José's story serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring viewers to take action, embrace ecodesign principles, and become agents of change in their own communities.