Speaker at Mañanas Creativas Vol.05
Chispafest and MADRE Consulting  
2018 l Nicaragua
"Mañanas Creativas," an inspiring initiative organized by Chispafest and powered by MADRE Consulting, stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation. This platform brings together visionaries, thought leaders, and industry experts to explore groundbreaking ideas and solutions that push the boundaries of various fields.
In the Volumen 5 edition, María José took the stage as a distinguished speaker, captivating the audience with her profound insights into the world of architecture. Her talk, titled "Permutations Through Architecture," delved into the creative process of exploring diverse design possibilities within architectural projects.
In her engaging presentation, María José provided context and inspiration to fellow creatives. She shared her experiences and expertise, shedding light on the art of "permutations through architecture." This dynamic concept involves systematically considering and rearranging architectural elements, layouts, and components to generate a spectrum of design variations while preserving the core architectural principles.
The context of María José's talk was particularly relevant in the field of architecture, where innovation and creativity are paramount. Her insights encouraged architects and designers to break free from conventional thinking and explore unconventional avenues. "Permutations through architecture" underscores the importance of experimentation, enabling architects to create unique, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing structures that push the boundaries of traditional design.